Travel is back!

COVID19 is fading away for many of us in the US, which means travel restrictions are loosening. Can you feel the freedom? I sure can. I’ve spent over a year wearing a mask 12 hours a day at work (in a hospital) and while walking my dog, grocery shopping, visiting with my parents. Now that I’m vaccinated, I am ready to get back out there, doing the things I love…flying across the country and staying in great hotels.

This summer, I’ve scooped up my motivation to create content. I can’t wait to share my travels with you.

My upcoming plans include a new posh hotel in Portland, Maine, an IHG stay in Wisconsin, and a visit to the Hampton Inn in Woodinville, Washington, followed by a stay with Northwest Island Escapes near Roche Harbor on San Juan Island.

Where are you traveling to this summer?

travel…what is that?

the past few months have been interesting, to say the least. As someone who once aspired to be a travel blogger, even a traveling nomad, I can’t begin to process the impact of COVID19.

Being “safer at home” for 11 weeks now has changed my perspective. I had not planned to travel for the first 6 months of 2020, thanks to two mortgage payments from a recent move to the East Coast, so at first, in the late winter, I welcomed a “cozy” time at home with my kids (and eventually my now “working from home” husband) in our new house in a wooded neighborhood in Maine. We got a puppy in January – of course named her “Pilot” – which was even more reason to stay close to home. But then travel outside the state was “discouraged”. And as of today, we have to quarantine for 14 days if we leave the state for domestic travel.

I suspect the travel quarantine will be lifted in the next 6 weeks, but 1/2 of our summer plans have been canceled. A summer of “normalcy” I was so looking forward to has evaporated and I feel like March 13 has been with us eternally.

So, with this blog, I will “pivot”! To musings about travel while not actually doing it. I may reminisce on past travels. 3 decades of journals stored in my closet are rich with memories and reflections.

Stay tuned.

Well, that was quick

I set up this blog over the course of a few months in mid-2019, intending to add affiliate links, grow my following, and share stories.

Shortly after my first blog post – our family decided to move 1300 miles away from our home base – to the Portland, Maine area.

We have successfully relocated. And in the process, have decided not to pursue blogging at this time, mostly because my travel plans are on hold for the next year.

I will update here when I am ready to resume. Thank you for dropping by.

Hello world!

Welcome to turtle shell travel

This is the blog where I will share my travel stories, and hopefully inspire you to create some travel memories of your own.

Being a working mom of two, most of my travel involve short (5 days or less) getaways. I’ve found that this time frame gives me a break from my usual routine and lets me experience some culture and beauty outside of my own upper Midwest small town.

So please, follow along. If you are interested in visiting a place I’ve previewed for you. I’ll include links to itineraries you can book yourself. I’m open for questions about how best to travel as a couple, with friends, and with kids.

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