Revenue Stream # 6, my favorite podcasts, and how I’m having fun as an Amazon Influencer

I’ve heard you need SEVEN streams of income to be a successful digital marketer. So I’m taking my shot with Amazon. As one of the biggest retailers around, and seeing them break into telemedicine, I’ve been accepted as an Amazon Affiliate which means I can feature products I love in my blog and social media.

As an example (and a popular product). My latest obsession is the echo pop. I have one in my primary bathroom, my kitchen and in my home office. I can ask about the weather, play my favorite music and stream a podcast. If I’m in the mood for hilarity, it’s usually Smartless). If I’m in a learning mood: New York Times “The Daily“. Or when I’m in travel advisor mode, it’s Speedtalking with Fora, of course.

To tell the absolute truth, I’ve never seen Henley Vasquez of Fora without something clever or sophisticated to say, and I’m convinced she would win the “Who’s Who in Hotels” Jeopardy competition, as would many of her Fora colleagues. If you’ve never seen Henley “Shake for Champagne” on a Virgin Voyages Cruise, then you need to go on your own Virgin Voyages Cruise and see what that energy is all about.

Click here to book your Virgin Voyages Cruise

Check out the echo pop and then check out my Amazon Storefront

Comment below what Amazon product would be a best seller for my storefront.

Each comment will earn FREE travel planning services if you book with Turtle Shell Travel before the end of the 2023. After you comment, click here to input your contact information and we can start customizing your travel plans.

xo, Amy

Just booked…spring break cruise for a family of five

Cruising for families

Solarium on Symphony of the Seas @royalcaribbean

Are you looking for an “easy to plan and enjoyed by everyone” family trip? Look no further than cruising. Ditch the multi-generation family cabin vacation (or bring those generations with you!). Travel on a cruise ship resembles hotel vacations but BETTER. It takes away many of the daily chores for a “family manager” who is also probably the “vacation planner”. No meals to shop for and prepare, no dishes to wash, no clothes to fold.

If you’re the parent of elementary aged kids and preeteens, consider taking your family vacation on a cruise ship, rather than in a vacation rental. On a cruise, your meals will be prepared for you. No filling the fridge with ketchup, syrup and butter for mac-n-cheese. And your activities are literally feet away, with pools, shows, kids activities, AND port excursions. Your days will be full, your kids will be tired, and you’ll watch them having the times of their lives. Share a meal, a story, or an activity with them and you’ll have memories to take home from your getaway in no time.

There are many ways to “house” a family on a cruise ships, from suites, connecting cabins and adjacent cabins, the configurations are limitless. And think about bringing along a friend or two for your kids. Or travel with your extended family. Cruising is great for a multi-generational reunion. And, again, you don’t have to cook the hot dogs and hamburgers…no potato salad to prep or water balloons to tie.

Visit new countries and spend a day at a beach club. Variety is key and you won’t tire of this adventure. Check out my Pinterest Page for Cruising videos and recommendations. Comment here if you’ve every cruised…and what is your favorite cruise line?

Bachelorette Party Weekend in Portland, Maine and what is trending in the travel world

My client just returned from her Bachelorette Party weekend in Portland, Maine and her review was a great big smiley face.

And while I’m quite certain she didn’t run around dressed like this…and standing on her toes on the boat, I bed a great time was had exploring the Old Port, eating dinner at some of Portland’s best restaurants and enjoying Casco Bay and the Gulf of Maine.

Summer is truly one of the best times to visit Portland, but don’t count out Fall, either. The fall colors of New England are not to be missed, either.

What’s trending in the world of travel?

Most definitely, cruises. I’ve booked two this summer. And absolutely cannot wait to go on my next Virgin Voyages cruise in 2024! All travel advisors are anxiously awaiting the release of the Virgin Voyages sailing for summer of 2024 and Greece is definitely on my mind.

Also popular is Hyatt’s takeover of the Caribbean All-inclusive Market. Many deals are to be had if you’re looking to travel before the end of 2023. Check out my Pinterest Page for details of Hyatt’s current promotions. And if you’re not sure where you want to travel? Reach out to my FORA travel advisor page to start a conversation and I’ll start researching.

Yelp Help: advertising my travel agent business

This month has been full of marketing efforts to promote my travel advising business and expanding my knowledge about cruising.

As an independent travel advisor with Fora Travel, I have a vast network of expert travel advisor to tap when needed. And Fora provides wonderful opportunities to meet suppliers and learn about destinations. Just this month, I was able to sail on the Scarlet Lady, hosted by Virgin Voyages. I have so much information to pass onto you over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for tips for traveling this new and exciting cruise line, which will welcome two new ships this year.

The Sea Terrace Cabin

Sea Terrace Cabin on Virgin Voyages

My other effort this month has been to increase my marketing efforts to reach more client and grow my business. I’ve started a Tik Tok account for higher visibility for my reels. I’m hoping this will bring in leads via e-mail with trip inquiries. And since there aren’t many local travel agents listed with a simple google search, I’ve engaged Yelp to market Turtle Shell Travel to those looking for traditional travel agency services – airfare, hotel, tours, cruises. I love working on all of these types of travel.

So, if you’re from Yelp – welcome! Send me an email at or fill out my Fora profile inquiry form and we’ll start planning your next trip. Also looking for groups and businesses needing travel planning services. With summer coming, I have lots of time to turn those fall and winter plans into reality.

The good passage: Carbon neutral, healthy, travel that renews YOU in 2023

Cruising to escape, and to return home: a transatlantic repositioning cruise

Now We’re Voyaging Campaign Photographer: Alberto Oviedo Studio: Christian Schrader, Kathy Boos Brand: Billy Bohan

Virgin Voyages is bringing a new way to cruise to the US and Europe. As an independent travel advisor, I’ve been given an inside peek at the depth and breadth of what Virgin Voyages has to offer, and I must say I’m impressed. New cruise ships, an adults only approach, and special offerings not seen before on cruises will likely bring in new passengers.

The Virgin Voyages training reminds me of the Virgin Records roots and connection to music. These new ships have actual vinyl record stores, which will appeal the generation of 80s and 90s kids who spent time at the mall culling through albums, and then did the same in second hand stores in college.

People doing yoga at B-Complex Balance

Group Yoga classes and healthy, customizable meals will be a draw. I’m especially looking forward to taking a 2 week repositioning cruise from Europe to Miami, where I can do sunrise yoga in the morning, enjoy a healthy salmon rice bowl by the pool in the afternoon, nap in the hammock on my terrace, and enjoy a bottle of wine with my husband in the evening and not worry about driving home. On Virgin Voyages, gratuities are included, as are tea, coffee, sparkling water. Add a good book or two and there you have the perfect vacation. And Virgin Voyages ships are made to be carbon neutral. That’s something you can feel good about

Food and drinks on a table at Extra Virgin. UK Photoshoot / Atlantis Shoot Dates: Sept 27-30, 2021 Usage: Full Buyout Goal: Food & Beverages Deliverables: images, gifs, and videos TEAM Photographer: Scott Grummett Agent: Terri Manduca Food Stylist / AD: Elisa Merlo CD: Christian Schrader Art Buyer / Producer: Kathy Boos

If you’d like to see what sailings are available for you, click here. This is my affiliate booking page with Virgin Voyages. I know you’ll have questions, too. Leave them below in my comments chat, or message me through my FORA page

This is not a paid ad, but I do earn commissions on bookings made through my link above.

February is the best time to talk to your travel planning expert

Treating yourself to a travel advisor for Summer 2023 travel planning…

Some people say “yes” to the dress. My challenge to you is to say “yes” to a travel agent. Do you have a complicated itinerary in the works, or a simple booking with flights and hotel? A travel agent can help you will all of that, and more.

In the past three months, I’ve booked travel to the Caribbean, Canada, Europe, Midwest US, San Juan Islands and Glacier National Park. I also have a client coming to Portland for her Bachelorette Party in August! She and her friends will have a blast. Now is the time to reach out to have me work with you to plan your summer adventure.

What about fees? My fees range from $100 – $400 depending on the size of your group, and destination (US & Caribbean vs Europe) and length of trip.

I can make your travel planning effortless and will leverage my relationship with hotels and travel suppliers to bring you the best experience during your getaway. I’ve grown my business considerably over the past 4 months. Help me reach my goal of doubling my clients and bookings in 2023.

Type in the comments where you’re looking forward to traveling in 2023. If you would like to receive my newsletter, leave your email in comments, or DM it to me on IG @turtleshelltravel

“Do you sleep?”: How to maintain a family household while managing a side hustle

I have been asked, “Do you sleep?” by well meaning friends when they hear about my multiple PA jobs AND my side hustle as a travel advisor for FORA. The thing is, I love sleep. I nap every day when I’m not working (as a PA) and faithfully get 7 hours of sleep a night. So, yes, I sleep.

How do I get my housework done? I have help, from cleaning ladies and an awesome co-parent/husband who understands that my passion for travel necessitates an irregular schedule. The dog goes to daycare once a week so I have time to get the house in order without her underfoot (cute as she is).

Always by my side

One of the pandemic finds I’ve embraced is grocery delivery. I’ve tried most of the services offered in my area, and have settled on Instacart. I’ve found their deliveries to be much quicker (and more available same-day), and I can use a variety of stores, both grocery and otherwise (even Staples). The convenience of having groceries delivered to my door, on my schedule, saves me hours of time per month. It also saves me from making those impulse buys – hello dairy-free ice cream and smartfood popcorn, my latest loves! If you want to save $20 on your instacart order, use my code ABARRACLOUGH1C21BF.

This grocery delivery hack gives me more time to work on my blog and travel advising. Now, I have to place my order so I can make Vegetable Yakisoba from NYT Cooking tonight!

David Malosh: @dmalosh for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Simon Andrews: @simoncooks

What household hacks have you incorporated to make life easier?

2023: looking backward and forward, a new travel advisor’s perspective

Aaaaand we made it to 2023! Nice work, everyone. Happy New Year to you and yours. Kiss, kiss and all that jazz. Now let’s look at how my travel planning business, Turtle Shell Travel, is progressing.

Let’s Recap

Where we started: Let’s just say Omicron. That kept me busy in January, February, so forth and so on. I diversified my PA work life, now doing a mix of ER, Urgent Care and College Health.

Then the fun began. In February, I signed on with FORA travel to be a travel advisor. I made my first booking in March and planned football weekends for my husband for September and October. Since then, more and more travel planning business has come my way.

I attended the FORA Live Forum in November in Brooklyn and met FORA’s HQ staff and many kind and inspirational advisors on the FORA team. I have to say, we are a chatty bunch. I wish the Forum were twice as long as it was, and look forward to attending the next one in October 2023. We met with suppliers, asked questions, shared ideas. I started my FORA newsletter and grew my mailing list. Stayed at the Hoxton in Brooklyn and cannot wait to return!

Hoxton Lobby: perfect for co-working or meeting up with friends

I learned that a travel advisor is just a modern name for a travel agent (think rebranding). My biggest booking to date has been to Jamaica. And my Guide to a Girl’s Getaway in Portland, Maine as one of FORA’s Top 22 advisor-curated Travel Guides of 2022. Living in a destination city has been such an inspiration for my travel work, and I love any opportunity to share travel ideas in and around Maine. This past week, I even planned a breakfast meeting for a local business at a local hotel restaurant. I love connecting people with great experiences.

Personally, I’ve enjoyed family time, friend time, cousin time, and more family time. All the things that make a year a great memory. It’s been a collection of great car rides with music from WCLZ. Great times up at Bowdoin, and lots of time walking with the dog. And of course, always snacks. It’s not pictured here, but Dunkin’ Donuts has been a frequent stop on my way to and fro. But Starbucks is a close second.

What’s up for 2023? I plan to make a splash on LinkedIn … connect with me here. I’ll continue my newsletter and book more great trips for clients. Pinterest is my new obsession – creating pins and using their marketing tools. Check out my Instagram stories to see my view from the front porch, pics of the dog and my morning mood on my commute.

I plan to finally take that train trip to South Carolina, Mississippi and New Orleans. And you’ll probably find me in a window seat or two writing in my journal. I’ve have United Silver and American Gold status for 2023, so I’m hoping all of my seats will have lots of leg room.

I hope you have great plans, too. Over the past 2 years, I’ve learned the that you can’t predict the future. Control is nearly impossible with most things. So you must trust the unfolding of each day. I’m happy I get to do this with you. What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Protect your pocketbook – travel insurance for those big ticket bookings

I have to laugh…when we moved to New England, my son asked me what a “pocketbook” is. We’ve always called those stylish catch all bags “purses”.

Either way, it’s where we (sometimes) carry our credit cards, cash, and maybe even check books for us old fashioned types .

I’m starting to work on big “bucket list” type trips for clients and am learning the ins and outs of travel insurance. This past weekend I took a “deep dive” into the topic and came away with a “Certification of Achievement” to sell travel insurance for Allianz.

When should you pay the extra for travel insurance? When you have booked a trip that costs more money than you would want to lose if you were unable to travel, or if your trip got interrupted by illness or injury of yourself, a travel companion or a family member who is not traveling. It ensures that you will get refunded the unused portion of your trip (or the whole trip if you have to cancel for an approved cause). Plans vary in coverage, and Allianz offers a variety of options. They also currently cover children for free when traveling with a parent or grandparent.

Feel free to message me at if you would like to talk insurance. You can buy a plan at any time before departure, even if I did not book the travel myself. I can send you a quote and you decide whether you want to protect your bank account in the even disaster strikes you or someone you love.

It’s fall and I’m trending

Does any other season have such energy? I think not. Fall in New England is sure to inspire warm and hopeful thoughts about nature, life and travel.

I’ve been enjoying the fall colors and sunshine. Cool days with flannel layers. I’ve a wardrobe capsule fan and my go-to source for outfit inspiration has been Outfit Formulas by Alison Lumbatis. Alison has been my entrepreneur inspiration for years and her Outfit Formula subscription has been so valuable. Please check it out here.

As for travel, I’m loving being a travel agent for FORA. Looking forward to attending the first ever in-person FORA FORUM in November in Brooklyn. I’ll be staying at the Hoxton – Williamsburg. So fun to be living on the East Coast, only a direct 6 hour bus ride on Concord Coach Lines to reach Brooklyn. I can’t wait to share all about it.

My travel guides are LIVE and trending! Check out my new Bachelorette Weekend in Portland, Maine guide. Winter is a great time to visit Portland, Maine. The energy of summer remains and the brick buildings makes everything feels so cozy. And dining in Portland remains hot in the wintertime. Restaurants such as Batson River Brewing and Distilling plan winter decorations and drinks for the season. You absolutely must check it out.

Last but not least, I’m looking forward to a stay next week at The Revolution Hotel in Boston. Great location, hip spaces, and great food is what I’m looking forward to. Boston in the fall… what could be better?

Where are you planning to travel this fall? Planning any warm weather getaways?


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