Bachelorette Party Weekend in Portland, Maine and what is trending in the travel world

My client just returned from her Bachelorette Party weekend in Portland, Maine and her review was a great big smiley face.

And while I’m quite certain she didn’t run around dressed like this…and standing on her toes on the boat, I bed a great time was had exploring the Old Port, eating dinner at some of Portland’s best restaurants and enjoying Casco Bay and the Gulf of Maine.

Summer is truly one of the best times to visit Portland, but don’t count out Fall, either. The fall colors of New England are not to be missed, either.

What’s trending in the world of travel?

Most definitely, cruises. I’ve booked two this summer. And absolutely cannot wait to go on my next Virgin Voyages cruise in 2024! All travel advisors are anxiously awaiting the release of the Virgin Voyages sailing for summer of 2024 and Greece is definitely on my mind.

Also popular is Hyatt’s takeover of the Caribbean All-inclusive Market. Many deals are to be had if you’re looking to travel before the end of 2023. Check out my Pinterest Page for details of Hyatt’s current promotions. And if you’re not sure where you want to travel? Reach out to my FORA travel advisor page to start a conversation and I’ll start researching.

Author: Amy Barraclough

I started traveling at a young age, and now that I'm a parent, I'm sharing my love of travel with my kids. My favorite place to be is in an airplane or hotel.

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