NFL preseason kicked off last night in Las Vegas, where the Las Vegas Raiders beat the Jacksonville Jaguars. Have you seen these new helmets?

Guardian Helmet; Photo Credit: Steeler’s Now
The next preseason game is on Thursday, August 11, where the New York Giants will play the New England Patriots. I’m working that day, and I enjoy working when the Patriots are playing, not because I’m a Patriot’s fan (I’m not), but it’s fun to see the enthusiasm and commitment the Patriot’s fans exhibit, even when they’re in the ER. Quite admirable, in my opinion.
I’m at my happiest when there is a NFL game on the TV. And I’m even more happier (is that a thing) when I can attend a game – Seahawks or Bears…or maybe even the Packers. Cheering on your team in person is right up there with seeing your favorite performer in concert (Kenny Loggins), attending a lecture of your favorite author (Jenna Kutcher). One gets to experience excitement about a sport, and share that excitement with other fans. And imaging seeing many of your favorite players in ONE place, AND their coach, staff and cheering square. And, perhaps most importantly, it’s a chance to wear your NFL gear.

Ready to Travel?
Do I have you fired up to go buy that ticket and see your team play? I hope so. This month, I’m featuring a classic football destination, where you can see your team play the Pittsburgh Steelers. Check out my Sports Lover Travel Guide for Pittsburgh here. If you are a fan of Seattle, New England, Baltimore, or Las Vegas. This is the year to visit Acrisure Stadium, (renamed from Heinz Field in July 2022) to cheer on your team. Be one of the first of your friends to say you’ve been to Acrisure Stadium…
I am looking forward to seeing Russell Wilson play for the Denver Broncos against Seattle, IN Seattle on September 12. Which game are you most looking forward to this fall? Who is your favorite NFL team?