Do you put your groceries, dog daycare, cell phone bills on your credit card? If so you can earn miles for every purchase. My preferred travel credit card (and I’ve had so many) is the United MileagePlus Quest Visa.
I’ve had a few different United Chase cards, and my favorite right now is the Quest Card. It has a $250 yearly fee, half of which you’ll automatically earn back as a $125 statement credit when you make a purchase on United.
This year I also used the $100 TSA Precheck Credit to renew my son’s TSA privileges. And you’ll save 25% on in flight purchases. And you’ll get free first AND second checked bags for you and one traveling companion.
I earn 1 mile per $1 charged and 2 miles for travel and streaming services (hello Netflix and Peacock!). 2024 has been full of spending promos and I’ve earned over 10,000 miles for meeting spending challenges.
But the big reason I chose the MileagePlus Quest Visa is that I can earn 6,000 PQP toward United MileagePlus Status. I’m on year 3 of Silver Status, and this card made is possible to keep my status for 2025. This means complimentary Economy Plus seating and upgrades when available. I’ve used the miles I’ve earned to pay for my son’s trip to London this summer and also for seat upgrades and to cover the $250 annual fee. There’s no way you won’t win with this card.
You’ll get 60,000 points and 500 PQP when you sign up and meet a spending challenge if you use this link: Lock in that free airfare and status now.